When you sleep...

Long ago, I was eager to create a blog dedicated to my creations.
I'm not very good drawing, nor created, but I think that when a person creates something, that person leaves part of his soul and his feelings reflected in it.
Gradually this group of creations have a life and leave their mark in some way on people.
Here is my first post on this blog dedicated to my work and was eager to devote a blog to them ^^.

With this first work, start.
This drawing I dreamed, I dreamed that I had made this draw, I had it in hand and flying in the sky while singing and looking for my boyfriend. In that dream there were two girls who were twins and representing my daughters (I am not prepared to be a mother XD) who were in a castle. Outside the castle there were many people I've met over the years and now exist only in memory, each of them had a sweet in his hand and I saw a burning city in the background.
The same day that I had this dream, I did the drawing, and that seemed really nice.

Its not the first time I got inspired by a dream to draw something, and I believe are an inspiration indeed.

I did it with Fabella Castell pencils,the shining hand that appears above my daughters, its my boy´s hand, i think its the best place of the picture. Hope you like it.

6 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Creo (si no se me adelanta nadie) que voy a ser la que deje tu primer comentario (:

Sabes que adoro tus dibujos, y me gusta más esta plantilla que la de tu otro blog. Realmente monisima.

One kiss pretty (L)


Armand dijo...

Te ha quedado precioso el blog :)

Estefany @ The Helmet Head dijo...

Your drawings are really nice! I wish i had that talent!

Anice dijo...

wah es un dibujo precioso >3<
tu blog está monisimo =D
sobre los pajaritos son de mi abuelita, siempre tiene algun parajito en el balcón, no conocia su nombre haha x3 si que estos estan muy bonitos, mas que los tipicos canarios ^w^

Libertad dijo...

Yo sí creo que eres muy talentosa, y me encanta! Así como tu modestia; eres una parsonita maravillosa que crea preciosidades con sus manitas; nucna cambies en ese sentido, nía de mi corazón!

Maka dijo...

Pues yo creo que es muy bonito el dibujo, así que nada de decir lo contrario!